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It's Time to Turn Your Art into a Business, End Your Cycle of Burnout, Re-enter the Work Force, Elevate Your Art Experiences, Create Boundaries, and Define Your Self Sustainability!

Attention Female Creatives, Professionals, Moms & Artist Entrepreneurs! This offer expires on Monday, March 18th 2024 at 11:59 PM US/Central.

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  • Pay $ 185 / month

Installments 3 x 222 Monthly
Installments 3 x 222 Monthly

Installments 3 x 185 Monthly
Installments 3 x 185 Monthly

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[53] Installments 4 x 437 Monthly

[53] Installments 4 x 420 Monthly
[53] Installments 4 x 420 Monthly

[56] Installments 5 x 444 Monthly
[56] Installments 5 x 444 Monthly

[56] Installments 5 x 400 Monthly
[56] Installments 5 x 400 Monthly

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DREAM YOU  $185.00
Total $222.00
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We Are All Stars DREAMYOU Mentorship Sign Up

Here's What You'll Get:

  • DREAM YOU 3 MONTH Mentorship Program: DreamYou is a sustainable Entrepreneur mentorship program that utilizes art and mindfulness to help creative professionals define a sustainable business model through personal and professional development. This is a 12-week series that is designed to support those in the Art Curation, Event Management, Production, Professional Art, and Gallery Industries. This expertly cultivated course is here to help you reach your dream and avoid burnout. A sustainable business starts with a sustainable leader — let’s help you DreamYOU, your needs, and your vision.  ($3,575 Value)

Total Value: $3,575

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Only: $185

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Testimonials From Female Creatives, Professionals, Moms & Artist Entrepreneurs Just Like YOU ...

Hear What They Have To Say

I used to feel stuck in my routine and struggled with lack of or disturbed sleep. By creating a practice centered around my breath, I shifted to focusing my thoughts and utilizing movement and intention to stay centered on the goals I am trying to accomplish. Brandy Michele Adams is the one who helped me define this new reality, through her conscious care and coaching.
R. Jones
Brandy's guidance was everything I didn’t know I needed. As a busy entrepreneur always on the go, stopping to get real rest and properly reset seemed like an impossible task. Brandy's approach to her practices helps take the thought out of it as she guides you through relaxing and calming exercises that beginners can follow. The practice she helped me hone is now something I live by, and would suggest for anyone’s weekly routine. Consistent mentoring with her practices helped revitalize the quality of my rest and mood, while my energy after each session always felt amazing.
S. Badran
After working with Brandy for three months, I have transformed my dreams into an actual business!
R. Elam
I've always dreamed of renewing my life and finding work-life balance. Shifting away from a stressful work environment, I struggled to find my next path. After just one session with Brandy, I felt more relaxed, enlightened, and mindful. I am so excited to finally feel like I have the space to focus on my own dreams, and am actively letting go of what will not serve me.
T. Soileau
I have spent most of my life being in a hurry. After working with Brandy, I realized that everything I need is at my fingertips. Now, I've shifted to pouring into my own legacy, as Brandy's helped me find focus in turning my passions into a business.
P. Pope
Brandy has been my mentor for three years and is the leading foundation for my success in building my career as a Creative Director and Producer for one of the country's leading Ad Agencies. Brandy taught me how to grow beyond my anxiety, by cultivating a conscious consumption lifestyle and mindful practices.
K. Camarena

Brandy Michele Adams

As the Founder & Creative Director of W.A.A.S, I have decades of business development, art curation and mentoring that have led to my success as a leading Educator. My career as an artist has flourished into Immersive Installations that I’ve expertly curated in my own gallery, and enthusiastically design for clients committed to cultivating calm environments for corporations, teams and families. With a multi-decades career in bridging creativity and business together, from a decade of elevating multi-million dollar companies in fashion, art, couture and material development, to spending a decade building Contemporary art galleries in multiple states and managing and elevating 600 artists careers, I am now pairing my wellness education and expertise in rest, with decades of a creative career, to bridge the gap between self-sustainability and professional creative success. After years of practice and receiving a multitude of certifications — which include yoga (500hr-ryt), tantra meditation, pranayama and yoga nidra — I finally came to a space of softening. My work has transformed into integrating creativity and business through the lens of human health, and supporting creatives’ self-sustainability through aligned personal and professional practices. I know women are the ones who will lead this revolution.

Hear How Other Female Creatives, Professionals, Moms & Artist Entrepreneurs Just Like You Have Been Impacted By DREAMYOU

This time gave me the opportunity to tap back into myself, refocus my time away from senseless technological use, and hone in on what my true lifetime goals of success look like.
I began working with Brandy feeling like I was working with reactions versus intentional proactivity. I felt that I was blocking my true essence. When I focused my energy on integrating rest within my daily practice, I began to feel refreshed and hopeful about reaching my next tier of success. Brandy's mentorship helped me clear out the crap and see myself as a focus within my work's sustainability.

Are You Ready To Level Up?!

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